“POSTED TO PORTUGAL” is an online English-speaking web community reserved to the international diplomatic families living in Portugal. MFA families can find here an online support and a first contact with Portuguese life and the diplomatic family community in Portugal. Learn more about membership


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In order to avoid abuse or not authorized contents, please note that MESSAGES and WHAT & WHERE web pages are subject to a MODERATOR CONTROL and will be published within 24 hours. Should these contents not respect the website and the AFDP guidelines, they will be addressed back to the sender with an automatic information note. Other pages on this website are not moderated and Members will be responsible of published contents. Should any content in any webpage of this site not respect the website guidelines, AFDP moderators are authorized to cancel it, informing the author.

Subscribing this Community, you will be kindly asked to fill a form and give some general information about you. Your personal information will be handled with the highest privacy concerns. In order to reduce the risk of non-authorized people entering the Community, you will be asked to notify the name, Embassy and e-mail of MFA Officer whose family you belong to. The system will automatically send a communication to the Officer informing about your wish to enter the “POSTED TO PORTUGAL” Community. No confirmation from the Officer is required to activate your account.

This Community welcomes MFA retired Officers’ family Members, divorced and widowed Members. If you are in one of these categories and you wish to join this Community, avoiding the Officer’s e-mail procedure, please contact us: welcometeam.lisboa@gmail.com.


After registration, the Member may create his own Profile, providing additional information about himself/herself (e.g., international posting, international experiences, interests etc.). Providing additional information beyond what is required at registration is entirely optional and on a voluntarily basis, but enables the Member to better use the web portal. The Member must choose a password. This password will never be visible to any other Member or any third party at any time.

This is a close, protected community, so no nickname or pseudonymous are allowed. Any time you publish a content on any page of “POSTED TO PORTUGAL” web portal, the system will automatically sign your script with your name and first letter of your surname, your country of origin and the flag icon of your country.