“POSTED TO PORTUGAL” is an online English-speaking web community reserved to the international diplomatic families living in Portugal. MFA families can find here an online support and a first contact with Portuguese life and the diplomatic family community in Portugal. Learn more about membership


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General Terms & Conditions


Below you will find the GTC governing the use of www.postedto.com  and all of its sub-domains and aliases of these domains (“ POSTED TO” Website(s)” or “Website(s)”). When using the  POSTED TO Websites please bear in mind that  www.postedto.com  is a genuine online community, and any information you disclose about yourself and everything you upload can generally be freely viewed, copied, used, and passed on by others. By registering to use the POSTEDTO Websites you consent to the following GTC.

If you use POSTEDTO as a consumer i.e. for a purpose that is not related to commercial or freelance activity (“consumer” according to Italian Civil Code), please also see the provisions set forth in Consumer’s Right to Cancellation:

1. Scope

The provisions of these GTC govern the entire legal relationship between the validly registered user (“user”) and POSTED TO and are applicable to all services provided to the user or offered on the POSTED TO Websites (POSTED TO Service(s)” or “service(s)”) and also to all of the user’s actions, contents, or other material relating to the POSTED TO Websites. No conflicting terms of use or conditions of the user shall be applicable and are hereby rejected. The complete and valid GTC are available in a printable and storable form on each POSTED TO Website under “Terms & Conditions”.
POSTED TO reserves the right to amend these GTC at any time insofar as these amendments are not unreasonable for the user. POSTED TO shall give due notice of any amendments of these GTC to the user via the user’s email address or by placing a notice in the user’s personal inbox on the POSTED TO  Website. The amendments to the GTC shall be effective from that point in time unless the user objects within two (2) weeks after receipt of the said notice by sending a fax or letter to POSTED TO, provided that POSTED TO has explicitly informed the user about the consequences of such non-objection.

2. Services

POSTED TO provides the user with an Internet platform which incorporates technical applications that allow the user to establish contact and share information with other users. This service made available via the POSTED TO Websites includes upload, download, and posting options regarding materials and information which POSTED TO, the user, or other users want to share on the POSTED TO Websites (“content(s)”). The services are described in detail on the POSTED TO Website.
POSTED TO does not take part in any communication between users and is not responsible for or party to any agreements that users meet by communicating over  POSTED TO Websites.
The principles set forth in this Section 2.2 shall also apply to any agreements between users and third-party service providers  providing supplemental services embedded in or linked to the POSTED TO Websites. Such thirdparty service providers are acting independently POSTED TO, and POSTED TO does not accept any liability for third parties’ acts or omissions.

2.3 The services include offers to join certain groups or subgroups and other forums on the POSTED TO. The user acknowledges that these groups may be established by other Users of the services and accordingly, the user moderating the respective group is free to choose whether the user may join or remain in the group. POSTED TO is not responsible or liable for the participation or any action of the user or any other users, including the group moderator, in the group.

POSTED TO reserves the right to modify the services or to offer services different from those offered at the time of the user’s registration at any time unless this is unreasonable for the user. POSTED TO shall give due notice of any amendments of services to the user via the user’s email address or by placing a notice in the user’s personal inbox on the POSTED TO Website. The amendments to the Services shall be effective from that point in time unless the user objects within two (2) weeks after receipt of the said notice by sending a fax or letter to POSTED TO, provided that POSTED TO has explicitly informed the user about the consequences of such non-objection.
The user understands that it is technically impossible to offer or guarantee the 100% availability of the POSTED TO Websites. POSTED TO will make reasonable efforts to keep the POSTED TO Websites available without unplanned interruption. However, maintenance, security or other planned actions, and/or events beyond POSTED TO’s reasonable control (e.g., disruptions in public communication networks, power failures), may cause temporary interruptions or other failures of the services.

3. Registration

Users must apply for registration by completing the registration procedure on the POSTED TO Website. By completing the registration procedure, the user consents to enter into this agreement to use the services. POSTED TO accepts this offer by activating the user’s membership and personal account.
The user guarantees and represents that the information submitted to POSTED TO for registration is complete and truthful. The user shall not use pseudonyms or nicknames. The user shall keep the user’s profile up to date, in particular with regards to the user’s email address. The user shall ensure that POSTED TO can establish contact at all times with the user via the contact details provided by the user in the user’s profile on the POSTED TO Website.
POSTED TO reserves the right to refuse registration of any user for any or no reason.
The user hereby confirms that the user is of legal age at the time of registration and has not already registered with POSTED TO, i.e., only maintains one (1) user account.
User accounts are not transferable
During registration the user must determine a password which the user will use to identify the user in order to access the Website(s), the services, and the user’s personal account. The user is responsible for keeping the password secret and preventing other persons from accessing the user’s account via this password. The user agrees to notify POSTED TO immediately of any unauthorized use of the user’s password or account or any other breach of security through the tel. number  or e-mail available on each POSTED TO Website under “Contact”. The user promises to immediately inform POSTED TO if there is any indication that the password is being used by third parties. POSTED TO will not be liable for any loss or damage arising from the user’s failure to comply with this section.
In so far as the user is in breach of the agreements in Section 3, POSTED TO shall be entitled to terminate this agreement with immediate effect, to block the user’s account and/or to prevent further use of the services and the website(s) by the user.

4. User’s Obligations

The user shall only provide true and accurate personal, social, and professional information and shall not post on POSTED TO Websites any photographs identifying the user which are older than three (3) years or on which the user cannot be clearly and plainly recognized. The user shall not use any nicknames or pseudonyms to identifythe user.
The user shall not use, upload, post, email, transmit, or otherwise make available any contents, or have others make the same available on the POSTED TO Websites. Nor shall the user or send other users messages with contents that violate laws and statutes in any manner (“Illegal Contents”), such as, but not limited to:
contents which are insulting or defamatory, regardless of whether said contents are directed at POSTED TO personnel, other companies, or another user;
contents and actions violating criminal law, promoting anti-constitutional organizations or displaying the insignia of such organizations; contents glorifying violence; racist, pornographic, sexist contents; contents harmful to young persons; contents trafficking in narcotics, inciting or downplaying the consumption of narcotics, inciting criminal offenses, gambling, insult or slander, defamation, etc.;
contents promoting any commercial practices considered unfair competition, including progressive customer acquisition practices (such as chain distribution systems, multilevel selling, or pyramid sales) or content annoying, pestering, or harassing any other user ( e.g. spam, chain letters, multi-level marketing, or multi-level network marketing);
contents which include information for which the user has no right to disclose or make available under any law or under contractual or fiduciary relationships (such as proprietary and confidential information, insider information, etc.);
contents that contain company logos. This excludes employees of POSTED TO, who may use the POSTED TO logo;
contents intended to disrupt, destroy, limit, or impair services on the POSTED TO Websites or the functionality of any computer software or hardware or telecommunications equipment, in particular through robots, spiders, spamming, DOS attacks, chain mail, junk mail, scripts, etc..
When using such services, the user shall adhere to all Forum, Event, and Activity Guidelines that POSTED TO has in place from time to time.
The user shall not send identical messages to more than one (1) user on the POSTED TO Websites.
The user shall not (i) disguise the origin of any communication via the services or disguise the user’s own identity while using the services in any way; (ii) disobey any requirements, procedures, policies, or regulations set up for the use of the services on POSTED TO Websites by POSTED TO; (iii) interfere with or disrupt the POSTED TO Websites, its servers, or General Terms and Conditions of POSTED TO networks connected to POSTED TO. Nor shall the user engage in acts that impair the operability of POSTED TO’ infrastructure, particularly those which may overload the said infrastructure; (iv) block, overwrite, modify, or copy any contents on POSTED TO Websites, unless the said actions are necessary for the proper use of the services. The use of any search engine technology is not necessary for the proper use of the services and is therefore prohibited.
The user shall not tag other users or send email invitations to non-users without their prior consent.

5. Privacy

POSTED TO acknowledges that any personal data provided by the user to POSTED TO is extremely important to the user. POSTED TO shall comply with all applicable legal provisions regarding data protection (Italian Data Protection Laws, European Data Protection Directives, and any other applicable data protection legislation). In particular, POSTED TO shall not provide or otherwise disclose any personal data of the user to any third party without consent, unless POSTED TO is required by statutory applicable law to reveal the data to third parties, in particular government or regulatory bodies, or if the transfer of data is necessary for operation of debiting proecdures as described in Section 4.1 above. 

10. Liability of POSTED TO

Subject to the provisions set out in this section, POSTED TO shall only be liable for any damages, irrespective of the cause of action, including tort, which (i) are caused by negligent violation of an essential contractual obligation  which have to be duly fulfilled for the achievement of the contractual purpose and on which fulfillment the user can rely on under normal circumstances, or (ii) are caused by gross negligence or willful misconduct of POSTED TO.
If POSTED TO is held liable under the preceding paragraph, POSTED TO‘ liability shall be limited to those typical damages which POSTED TO could reasonably foresee at the time of execution of the agreement, based on circumstances known to POSTED TO at that time, provided, however, that this limitation shall not apply if any damages are caused by POSTED TO’ gross negligence or willful misconduct.
POSTED TO shall not be liable for any consequential, incidental, or indirect damages unless those damages are caused by POSTED TO’ gross negligence or willful misconduct. POSTED TO’
Nothing in this Section 10 shall limit liability for personal injury and property damage claims based on the Italian Civil ND Criminal Law.
POSTED TO provides only the infrastructure for POSTED TO members to organize Activities. Under no circumstance shall POSTED TO assume legal responsibility for damages related to POSTED TO Activities. Nor is POSTED TO legally responsible for the behavior or actions of POSTED TO members or any other attendees during POSTED TO Activities. Sections 10.1, 10.2, and 10.3 shall apply mutatis mutandis.
Under no circumstance shall POSTED TO assume legal responsibility for damages occuring at POSTED TO Events. Nor is POSTED TO legally responsible for the behavior or actions of POSTED TO members or any other attendees during POSTED TO Events. Sections 10.1, 10.2, and 10.3 shall apply mutatis mutandis.

12. Miscellaneous

Unless otherwise stated in these GTC, the user may submit all notices to POSTED TO by fax or letter. The complete contact details of POSTED TO can be found on each POSTED TO Website under “Contact POSTED TO may send notices to the user by placing a notice in the user’s personal inbox on the  POSTED TO Website, email, fax, or post to the addresses given in the user’s current contact data in the user’s account.

If any provision of these GTC is, for any reason, invalid and/or unenforceable, the remaining provisions shall continue to be valid and enforceable to the fullest extent permitted by law.
The place of performance under these GTC shall be POSTED TO  main place of business.
Place of jurisdiction, insofar as legally admissible, shall be Rome, Italy. This shall not impair any consumer jurisdiction forum competent for a dispute.
These GTC and the contractual relationship shall be governed by Italian Law, excluding the provisions of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods.

14. Content Disclaimer

To the best of our knowledge, all information in the Data Base is accurate and up-to-date at the time of publication. However, the POSTED TO Editorial Office makes no claim for the Data Base to be complete, nor do we make any warranty whatsoever on the accuracy of the content. While all our articles are reviewed regularly, some of the information might have changed since the time of publication or the last review.
The Data Base are neither legal advice in any way, nor can they replace the knowledgeable opinion of lawyers or other professionals in the various fields discussed in the articles.
Please note that POSTED TO is not responsible for the accuracy of and opinions expressed in member-contributed articles.
The POSTED TO Data Base aim to offer current and future MFA Officers’ Families posted in Italy a first glimpse into what awaits them and intends to inform them about the different aspects of life in Italy. However, we cannot be held responsible if your own experiences differ from what is presented in the articles.