“POSTED TO PORTUGAL” is an online English-speaking web community reserved to the international diplomatic families living in Portugal. MFA families can find here an online support and a first contact with Portuguese life and the diplomatic family community in Portugal. Learn more about membership
The Associação das Famílias dos Diplomatas Portugueses
the Embassy of Spain
with the collaboration of the Federação Portuguesa de Bridge and the Centro de Bridge de Lisboa
a Charity Bridge Tournament
in favour of institutions supporting the extremely destitute
Sunday, November 13th 2016, 3 - 7 p.m.
Palácio Palhavã (Praça de Espanha)
Register with: adcdp@mail.telepac.pt; or tarouca.cristina@gmail.com;
Bank transferto Associação do Bazar do Corpo Diplomático:
PT50 0035.0391.00013078.130.57, with notice to: adcdp@mail.telepac.pt
For further information: 213 952 936 / 931749650
Due to legal reasons the registering payments cannot be made directly at the Embassy of Spain.