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Visit to Palácio do Grilo, residence of the Duques de Lafões - 24/05/2016

Vimos convidá-los para a próxima visita organizada pela Associação das Famílias dos Diplomatas Portugueses, que se reveste dum carácter cultural muito interessante, pois iremos visitar o Palácio do Grilo, residência emblemática dos Duques de Lafões.

Esta é a primeira dum ciclo de visitas intitulado “Palácios e Casas de Diplomatas em Portugal: Vivências e Famílias”, que propomos para os próximos meses. A partir do mês de Novembro inicia-se também um ciclo de conferências com este tema, promovido pelo Instituto Júlio de Castilho e Instituto de Diplomacia da Sociedade Histórica da Independência de Portugal.

À chegada seremos recebidos pelo dono da casa, D. Afonso de Bragança, Duque de Lafões, que nos dará as boas vindas.

A visita será comentada pelo Professor Moutinho Borges.

Encontrarão todos os pormenores mais abaixo. O preço é de 10€ por pessoa.

Agradecendo confirmação até ao dia 19 de Maio, esperamos que possam participar.


We are inviting you to the next visit organized by the Associação das Famílias dos Diplomatas Portugueses (AFDP), which presents a most interesting cultural aspect, since we will visit the Palácio do Grilo, emblematic residence of the Duques de Lafões.

This is the first one of a program of visits dedicated to “Palaces and Diplomats’ Homes in Portugal: Experiences and Families”, that we propose for the next months. Starting in November there will also be a conferences series on the same subject, sponsored by the Institute Júlio de Castilho and the Institute of Diplomacy of the Historical Society of the Independence of Portugal.

Upon arrival we will be greeted by the owner of the house, D. Afonso de Bragança, Duke of Lafões, who will be welcoming us.

Professor Moutinho Borges will guide the visit.

You will find all the details below and also attached.  Price will be €10 per person.

We would very much appreciate if you would let us know before May 19th, in case you would attend the visit.



Date: May 24th 2016, Tuesday, from 11 am – 12.30 am

Meeting point: Calçada do Duque de Lafões, nr.1, Lisboa (Beato).

(A street which crosses Rua do Grilo. The headquarters of the Beato firestation is located at the palace's groundfloor. As a reference point: going from the street of Museu do Azulejo we arrive at a square where we find the Beato Firestation. Parkingis available at the nearby Beato Monastery).

Historical Note

The palace of the Duques de Lafões, at Beato, was built in 1769 by D. João Carlos de Bragança (1719-1809), 2nd Duke of Lafões, on the grounds of the monastery of Saint Benedict of Xabregas. The palace, with a style that follows the fashion of the 18th century, is located in the middle of a farm planted with trees, crossed by the railroad at the North side, and includes a chapel in honour of Our Lady of Mercy.

The entrance is at nr. 1 of the Calçada do Duque de Lafões, through a gate at a circular wall. From the initial design, the palace presents a very charming rear facade facing north onto the farm and the principal facade facing the gardens.

The building, despite having suffered modifications from previous interventions, offers sumptuous rooms, notably the Room of the Academy of Science. It was in this palace that the Royal Academy for Science was later founded by the initiative of the 2nd Duke of Lafões.

The palace and the old gardens have been listed as a Monument of Public Interest.