“POSTED TO PORTUGAL” is an online English-speaking web community reserved to the international diplomatic families living in Portugal. MFA families can find here an online support and a first contact with Portuguese life and the diplomatic family community in Portugal. Learn more about membership
Dando continuidade ao nosso ciclo de visitas “Palácios e Casas de Diplomatas em Portugal: Vivências e Famílias”, vimos propor uma visita à Villa Roma, em Sintra, na quarta-feira, dia 22 de Junho, às 11 h. À chegada seremos recebidos por um dos donos da casa, Senhor Carlos Sarmento de Matos, que nos dará as boas vindas.
A visita será comentada pelo Professor Moutinho Borges.
Encontrarão todos os pormenores mais abaixo. O preço é de 10€ por pessoa.
Agradecendo confirmação até ao dia 20 de Junho, esperamos que possam participar.
Within our program of visits dedicated to “Palaces and Diplomats’ Homes in Portugal: Experiences and Families”, we would like to suggest a visit to Villa Roma in Sintra on Wednesday, June 22nd at 11 am. Upon arrival we will be greeted by one of Villa Roma's owners, Mr Carlos Sarmento de Matos, who will be welcoming us.
Professor Moutinho Borges will comment the visit.
You will find all the details below and also attached. Price will be €10 per person.
We would very much appreciate if you would let us know before June 20th, if you are interested in attending this visit.
(Rua Barbosa do Bocage, 2)